Manager standing up while leading a meeting with coworkers in a contemporary workspace. All people have DiSC style halos.

Inspire Great Managers

What Is Everything DiSC® Management?

Everything DiSC® Management continues the DiSC® journey by helping anyone in a management role successfully
 engage, motivate, and develop their people
—from anywhere. 

By combining DiSC with personalised management insights, participants learn to adapt their approach to each
direct report, improving their management effectiveness in real-time.

Everything DiSC Management on Catalyst Adapting to Others sample profile.

The result is a great management culture that brings out the best in its people.

The Management Learning Experience

1. Take the Assessment

Built using the latest adaptive testing methodology, the research-validated Everything DiSC Management assessment asks participants to respond to behavioural statements. Each participant receives precise and personalised insights.
Everything DiSC Management assessment sample question.
Everything DiSC Management assessment sample question.

Everything DiSC Management
Learning Modules

Led by an Everything DiSC expert, the Management profile comes to life in a virtual or in-person facilitation experience.
Each learning module inspires rich conversation and “aha!” moments that make the learning real (and fun!).

Manager holding a clip board with coworker. This represents a manager's management style.

Module 1: Your Management Style

DiSC sheds light on what participants bring to their role—their priorities and preferences, the parts they enjoy, and the moments that stress them out.

Manager in a meeting on a laptop. This represents the manager learning how to people read.

Module 2: People Reading

Managers practice a simple method to gauge the DiSC styles of their direct reports. They watch video clips and compete to guess the styles of the characters.

Manager pointing with a signpost in the background. This represents a manager learning how to direct and delegate.

Module 3: Direct & Delegate

Managers discuss their natural strengths and challenges when delegating and directing, ultimately helping them work with their team more effectively.

Manager flexing arm muscles. This represents the manager learning how to motivate their team.

Module 4: Motivation

Managers explore the type of environment they create for their team and how it might be motivating or demotivating—helping them create a climate that drives engagement.

Manager/coach blowing a whistle. This represents a manager learning how to develop talent.

Module 5: Develop Talent

Managers discuss the advantages and disadvantages of their natural style of developing others, receiving style-based insights that will help them support their reports’ long-term professional growth.

Manager speaking with a direct report. This represents a person learning how to work better with their manager.

Module 6: Manage Up

Participants explore how their own manager tends to see them. They discuss how they can better connect with that manager, get buy-in, and deal with conflict.

“Everything DiSC has been an instrumental component of our organisational development strategy. We hear references to DiSC styles in conversations, meetings, and even our Holiday Party! It’s certainly been impactful for our organisation.”

Karen Shannon

VP, and CRHO, Ollis/Akers/Arney

  • a woman wearing a purple shirt.
  • a woman wearing a gray blazer.
  •  a man wearing a green jacket

Inspire Great Managers with Everything DiSC Management Today!

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